Here is the Steps,
Step2 : Extract it. and create a folder- "OpenSSL" in C:/ and copy the extracted code here.First open a terminal and go to JAVA\bin.
Step3 : Detect keystore file path and go to that directory in command promp (cmd).
Step4 : Type this command in 1 line.
keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore "C:\path to keystore\keystore_name.keystore" | "C:\OpenSSL\bin\openssl" sha1 -binary |"C:\OpenSSL\bin\openssl" base64
If it is not Working Use This,
keytool -list -v -keystore C:\path to keystore\keystore_name.keystore
Step5 : Now, it will ask for password, Enter the password (Password of default keystore will be android for the default keystore ).
Step2 : Navigate in the terminal to the directory where your Android debug.keystore is stored.
Step3 : Mostly the default keystore location in MAC will be in “/Users/user_name/.android/” . Once you are in the keystore directory, run the following command.
Step4 : keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64
If it is not Working Use This,
keytool -list -v -keystore C:\path to keystore\keystore_name.keystore
Here debug.keystore is the keystore name. Replace this name with your keystore name.
Step5 : When it prompts you for a password then press Enter. (Password of default keystore will be android for the default keystore ).
Step1 : We need to download openssl from Google code (64 bit users must download openssl-0.9.8e X64, not the latest version).Step2 : Extract it. and create a folder- "OpenSSL" in C:/ and copy the extracted code here.First open a terminal and go to JAVA\bin.
Step3 : Detect keystore file path and go to that directory in command promp (cmd).
Step4 : Type this command in 1 line.
keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore "C:\path to keystore\keystore_name.keystore" | "C:\OpenSSL\bin\openssl" sha1 -binary |"C:\OpenSSL\bin\openssl" base64
If it is not Working Use This,
keytool -list -v -keystore C:\path to keystore\keystore_name.keystore
Step5 : Now, it will ask for password, Enter the password (Password of default keystore will be android for the default keystore ).
Step1 : First open a terminal.Step2 : Navigate in the terminal to the directory where your Android debug.keystore is stored.
Step3 : Mostly the default keystore location in MAC will be in “/Users/user_name/.android/” . Once you are in the keystore directory, run the following command.
Step4 : keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64
If it is not Working Use This,
keytool -list -v -keystore C:\path to keystore\keystore_name.keystore
Here debug.keystore is the keystore name. Replace this name with your keystore name.
Step5 : When it prompts you for a password then press Enter. (Password of default keystore will be android for the default keystore ).